This Game is a 2D Platformer

The goal of the game is to reach the top yellow space while collecting gems along the way to open red doors. 

Recommended you play in full screen mode so that doesn't cut stuff off.

A = left, D = right, spacebar = jump, R = Reset Game.

Light Green Squares are  moveable by the player.

The yellow diamonds are gems the player can collect. 

Red Doors block the player until they have collected enough gems. 

Watch out for the Spikes if you touch them you have to restart. 

Brown platforms are stationary while white platforms move. 

My deliverables for this project were


-Imported assets

-Game Timer

-Spike Obstacle

-Moving Platform

-End Goal

-Reset Button

-Moveable objects

I ended up not importing any assets but instead I created doors that block the player until they have collected enough gems. 

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